The Paget Angle Sextant – Hughes, London, ca. 1910

The sextant consists of two black lacquered round plates, the upper having an ivorine overlay. The handle is screwed into the bottom plate. The mirrors are between the plates. One mirror and the pinhole vane have a fixed position. The index mirror is moved by moving the index arm on the overlay. The position of the index mirror is read on the ivorine scale. The sextant is used in coastal navigation in combination with the station pointer.
The instrument is stored in a mahogany box. The lid contains instruction for use. The Paget sextant was designed around 1892 and marketed by Hughes. Number 609 is a fairly early instrument.

Catalog: NM.5-03
Date: ca. 1910
HWL case: 7×18,5×15,5 cm
D sextant: 11,5 cm
Signed: Hughes & Son, Ltd London – No. 609
Origin: England
Condition: perfect, in good and working condition, wear consistent with age and use

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