Large and important Graphometer – Lenoir, Paris, ca. 1780

Graphometers were used by cartographers and hydrographers to measure horizontal angles. This large graphometer, 38 cm wide, with compass is in a very good condition. The main directions on the compass are fully marked with Nord, Sud, West en Ouest. The two scales are engraved by hand. The instrument is made by Etienne Lenoir (1744 – 1832) who had his workshop in Paris. In his time Lenoir was considered as the best designer of nautical and observation instruments. See also the reflectingcircle of Lenoir NM.3-24 in this catalog.
The wooden standard is of the 19th century.

Catalog: NM.1-52
Date: ca. 1780
HWD instrument: 22x38x18 cm   (78.7x15x7.1 in)
Signed with elegant letters: Lenoir A Paris
Origin: France
Condition: perfect

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