Ship model of a Dutch freighter for inland waterways – 19th century

The Vrouwe Ina is a particularly attractive blockmodel made in 1838. All parts are made very detailed. A golden ‘mastwortel’ on top of the mast. Chimney on the foredeck. Full rigged mast, lee-boards, big rudder, pick-hook, two punting-poles and so on. The original sails are in very good condition. The planked hatch can be removed to vieuw the inside of the hull. The name of the maker and the year of fabrication is written on the inside of the hatch.

Catalog: SM.1-03
Date: 1838
HWL model: 68,5x16x63,5 cm (27×6,3×25”)
Name: Vrouwe Ina
Signed: M. Mouthaan, 1838
Origin: the Netherlands
Condition: perfect

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