Yacht Sextant – Heath & Co, London, early 20th century

Very fine and complete Brittish yacht sextant of black painted brass. In mahony case with dovetailes, lock and little key, baized-covered lid and bottom, carrying handle of brass. With silvered scale, graduated from -5 to 150 degrees, set in a brass arc. Catalog: NM.1-12 Date: 1900-1920 HWL case: 12,8×25,5×23 cm (5x10x9,1 in) HW sextant: 21,5×23…

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WWI US Navy Quartant (sextant) – Brandis, Brooklyn NY

Very fine and complete quartant of black painted brass. Well maintained case and instrument with key for adjusting the horizon mirror and binoculars. In mahony case with dovetailes, lock and little key, brass carrying handle an so on. Silvered scale, graduated from -5 to 185 degrees, set in a brass arc. In the brass part…

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Large Dry Card Compass – Stalker, Leith, 19th century

Well preserved dry card and gimbaled compass in wooden case of oak with slit cover. On the rose with 32 points, the name of the maker. North with beautiful fleur de lis as well as the east point which indicatest the direction of Jerusalem. The inside of the binnacle is painted white with lubber’s line.…

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Large Nautical Telescope – Hammersley, London, 1899

A large and very fine nautical telescope with one draw tube. Manufactured in brass with a dark brown leather clad main body and two lenscovers of brown leather. No dings or dents. Clearly signed in the draw tube. Eye lens with a protective shutter. Some signs of age and use, but with a beautiful patin,…

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