Composition of a 18th Century Battle Ship – J.B. Homann, Nuremberg, c. 1720

Neue Tafel vor alle Liebhabers und See-fahrende Personen stellet vor ein Orlogs oder Krieg-shiff mit seinen folligen Tow & Seilwerk sampt einem durchgesnitten Shiff, auch Vor und Hintertheil desgleichen Booten, Chaloupen und Shiff-Heber und nebst noch mehr anderer Shiffs Geraeth Shafft und Zugehörungen. Very rare and large old coloured engraving of a warship’s with cross…

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Shagreen cased chart work instruments – early 19th century

A fine and complete early 19th century shagreen cased set of chart work instruments. All ten parts are original and present, including a boxwood sector and scale rule. Also made of brass, two dividers with complete and matching attachments for ink, pencil lines and dotting wheel, ink pen, brass protractor and brass mounted pencil. Brass…

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Brass Pelorus – T.S. & T.D. Negus, New York

The pelorus is an instrument to make relative bearings against ship’s ahead or against compass heading. So it’s not a compass. The compass rose looks like a normal wind rose, but there is no compass needle. The gimbaled brass instrument with brass rose is mounted in a mahogany case with tooth corner connection. On top…

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Brass sea binoculars with leather case

Instruments intended for use at sea are usually made of brass to prevent corrosion from the action of salt. Similarly, this sea viewer. Solid and heavy copy, equipped with sun caps. The bag is missing a belt. The clasp shows wear. Very good optics. Catalog: NM.1-15 Date: ca. 1900 LW: 12,5/14×11,5 cm D: 5,5 cm…

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Azimuth Mirror – B. Cooke & Son, Hull

With the azimuth device on the compass the direction of a celestial body can be determined, expressed in degrees. Used, among other things, to determine the deviation of the compass. The black lackered, brass instrument comes with a loose pen in a mahogany case with beautiful dovetail connections and leather carrying strap. B. Cooke &…

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